Terrorism and Assassination timeline
The tribune Tiberius Gracchus is murdered by a mob which includes Roman senators
The tribune Gaius Gracchus is murdered by an armed group, led by a consul, after which 3000 of his supporters are rounded up and executed

On March 15, the Ides of March, Julius Caesar is stabbed to death during a meeting of the senate
After the assassination of Omar, Othman is elected as the third Muslim caliph
Ali is assassinated and Mu'awiya becomes the fifth Muslim caliph, establishing the Umayyad dynasty
So many Slavs are captured and sold, in the movement eastwards of the Germans, that their name becomes the European word for a slave
After the murder of his rival, in a church in Dumfries, Robert de Bruce is crowned king of Scots at Scone
Udiana Deva, the last Hindu ruler of Kashmir, is murdered by his Muslim prime minister
Henry IV is assassinated in a Paris street by a Roman Catholic, François Ravaillac
The Swedish king Gustavus III is assassinated at a midnight masquerade in Stockholm – an event later dramatized by Verdi
During four September days, thugs are encouraged to massacre some 1400 aristocrats and priests held in Paris prisons
25-year-old Charlotte Corday gains access to prominent republican Jean-Paul Marat and stabs him in his bath
The Terror begins in republican France, with executions rising to more than 3000 in December
Robespierre and St Just succeed in sending Danton and his faction to the guillotine in April
Robespierre and his faction go to the guillotine in July, in the final bloodletting of the Terror
All but one of 300 Mameluke guests are assassinated during an entertainment by Muhammad Ali in Cairo

The British prime minister, Spencer Perceval, is assassinated in the lobby of the House of Commons by John Bellingham
Sucre is assassinated on his journey home to Quito from a congress in Bogotá
The Mormon leader, Joseph Smith, and his brother are killed by an armed mob in Nauvoo
The prime minister of the papal states, Pellegrino Rossi, is assassinated in Rome

On a visit to a Washington theatre, Lincoln is assassinated in his box by John Wilkes Booth
The first branch of the Ku Klux Klan is founded at Pulaski, in Tennessee, on Christmas Eve

Maximilian, the emperor of Mexico, and two of his generals are shot after being surrounded and captured at Querétaro
Turkish irregular soldiers, the ferocious bashibazouks, massacre some 15,000 Bulgarian civilians
Russia's reforming tsar, Alexander II, is killed by hand-made grenades thrown at his carriage in St Petersburg