John Bunyan timeline
John Bunyan is born the son of a brass-worker in the Bedfordshire village of Elstow
John Bunyan marries a woman whose only possessions inspire him - they are two religious books inherited from her father
John Bunyan joins a Nonconformist church in Bedford and becomes one of their preachers
John Bunyan engages in a fierce war of pamphlets with the Quakers, with whose doctrines he profoundly disagrees
John Bunyan's first wife dies, leaving him with four young children
John Bunyan becomes an itinerant preacher, supporting himself by mending pots and pans
John Bunyan marries his second wife, Elizabeth
John Bunyan is arrested for preaching without a licence
John Bunyan is convicted of unlicensed preaching and spends the next eleven years in Bedford Gaol
John Bunyan publishes his spiritual autobiography, Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, written in Bedford Gaol
John Bunyan is released from Bedford Gaol as a result of the Declaration of Indulgence
John Bunyan is imprisoned again, for about six months, in a new wave of persecution of Nonconformists

Part I of The Pilgrim's Progress, written during John Bunyan's two spells in Bedford Gaol, is published and is immediately popular
John Bunyan publishes The Life and Death of Mr Badman, an allegory of a misspent life that is akin to a novel
John Bunyan publishes The Holy War, an allegory of the devil laying siege to the human soul
John Bunyan publishes the second part of The Pilgrim's Progress
John Bunyan dies during a preaching visit to London, and is buried in the Nonconformist cemetery, Bunhill Fields