Events relating to denmark

Hemming, a Danish king, makes a treaty with the Franks establishing the river Eider as the southern border of Denmark

A great army of Danes captures York - the first step in the establishment of Danelaw in eastern England

The young Alfred leads the English in their first significant victory over the Danes, at Ashdown

Alfred captures London from the Danes, pressing them back into the region of Danelaw where their rule is, for the moment, tolerated

New waves of Danes, raiding into the English territory of Danelaw, are bought off by Ethelred with Danegeld

Canute, joint king of Denmark, is accepted also as king of England after subduing the country and marrying Ethelred's widow

With the coronation of the 16-year-old Eric of Pomerania, the crowns of Denmark, Norway and Sweden are formally united for the first time

Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe builds Uraniborg, on the island of Hven, and makes it the world's leading observatory

Sweden wins the province of Skåne from Denmark, thus acquiring an unbroken stretch of Baltic coastline from Göteborg to Riga

A new Danish constitution (the Kongeloven or King's Law) makes the monarchy hereditary and grants the king absolute power

Ole Roemer, a Danish astronomer working with Cassini in Paris, calculates the speed of light with an error of only 25%

The Danish explorer Vitus Bering sails into Arctic seas through the strait between Asia and America known now by his name

Denmark cedes Norway to Sweden, in the Treaty of Kiel, following Bernadotte's successful Danish campaign

With his emphasis on the subjective experience of human Existenz, the Danish philosopher Kierkegaard plants the seed of existentialism

The British government buys the Danish fortresses on the Gold Coast, including Christiansborg castle in Accra

Carl Nielsen's Third Symphony, first performed in Copenhagen, brings him international renown

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